Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reunion and other stuff

In no particular order, this is what has happened to us during the last 10 days.

We spent considerable time getting ready for the reunion, and it went very well. The weather recovered nicely from the rain on Saturday. We had family members come from Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, Michigan, Buffalo, and Seattle. During the introductory session, we managed to lose part of the John Mohr Family. We went through Jane, Ronald, Norma, then went to Greg and finally Melanie. What happened to Janice? Don?, Annette?,Melissa?, Debby?, Blair?, Kayla? Hanna? Jenna?, Blair Jr?. Somehow, no one noticed this oversight at the time. I guess Janice and Don will have to come up next year to prove they exist. Sorry about that.

Monday was busy. Golf (55), mowing the Vikings lawn, learning about the new digital TV situation. It seems we can get 7 channels from Erie, but all but one disappeared at 10:00 at night. In the morning they all came back. We were told informally, that the rule about satellite dishes being on your own site site is more flexible now. So we are going to determine where a dish could be placed and then ask the Trailer association for permission to do it. Maybe there is hope for Dish TV in the future. We spent our first night at the Vikings, only 9 more to go.

Tuesday was collapse day. We trimmed one of our trees, so we can get the motorhome into the back yard with out rubbing trees all the way in.

Today was water aoerbics, plus shopping in Erie, for items needed at Ripley and the Vikings. Tomorrow is patch the roof a little bit, and drag the boat out for preparation to go to the lake.

Monday, June 15, 2009

where does the time go? part 199?

It is hard to believe that it has been 11 days since the last posting. The Windstar has been repaired to the tune of about $2100, $1400 for a rebuilt transmission and aproximately $500 for labor plus taxes. It behaves very well, as the miles continue to add up.

Heidi, Dan and Kat are in WNY right now , having arrived last Friday night. We met them at the airport , and brought them the Ford Focus that Lester and Sue are lending them for the duration of their visit. We all spent the night at John Adams house on Anderson Place. Saturday, Dan went to Rochester to play golf with family members, while Heidi and Kat joined the rest of Derek and Lizas family to attend Graces' fourth Birthday Party.

Sunday was a picnic at Clarence Town Park for friends and family from WNY. Kat continues to amaze with her ability to adjust to her surroundings. She is a real live wire.

We spent Friday night at John Adams and Saturday night at Derek and Lizas. Sunday night we were back in our own bed in Ripley. Be it so humble there is still no place like home.

Today was work day at the Vikings. About 80% of the railing is now up and the rest should be done tomorrow. The deck should be safe for the children that may show up this weekend, as part of the Reunion.

Golf today, with a 51 score. The knee is still troublesome at times but overall continues to improve.Some day, I hope!

While we were in the Buffalo area for the weekend, we went to watch Shawn participate in a civil war re-enactment, put on by his scout troop and some scouts from Canada. all of the boys had long guns that were cap guns. The battle was quieter than anticipated. "Soldiers" from both sides "died" and fell to the ground at appropriate times. We wondered how the boys felt about this but did not get to discuss this with Shawn.

You can read her blog, but Norma is back in town.

Time to go, see you next time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

another week

In no particular order, here is what happened during the last week. The boat lift is in at lakeside and the lawn has been mowed.

The deck is mostly complete (32 x 10 ft) and part of the step railing is up at the vikings. The lawn has been cleaned up and mowed. The golf cart has been repaired(engine overhauled, new piston, cylinder sleeve, some other stuff. Done by TNT in Busti. Cost was $200. runs good now.

The rototiller was just returned. some carburetor work, new exhaust, some other adjustments, and it too runs well now . it cost $76 and was done by Harris in Sherman. Now I have to use it so Laura can start her garden.

Laura and I played golf at Pt Chautauqua today. Senior special consisting of 9 holes and a cart for $10. can't beat that. I had a 50, my lowest score this year. Laura had a few more. It was fun and the course is overlooking the lake. It is really beautiful there.

For the last two years, we have been nursing the Windstar, as it has been losing transmission fluid. Well, yesterday, it gave up. AAA came to take it away to Dunkirk for repair. $2000 to rebuild it with one year warrantee. We decided to do it because, the rest of it is still in good condition, and we do not want to buy another one at this time. When we decided to leave the Dodge in Florida and bring the motorhome up, we set ourselves up for this. Did you know that we have put 2300 miles on the Windstar since we got back late April? Anyway, Ray came to get us, and gave us his Blazer to drive. Today, we gave the Blazer back and are driving Lesters Honda Cr-V until Monday or Tuesday, when the Windstar is supposed to be done.

The weather has been nice, but cool. We still have both furnaces on for some morning(and evening) heat when neccessary. Maybe soon, we can shut them down.