Saturday, September 26, 2009

one day less to go

I did not complete yesterdays entry, so am starting another.I mentioned that Lakeside is pretty well ready for winter, and work has been started on the Vikings and Ripley. We have spent some time making temporary repairs to the roof, as last winter (which was severe) we had several small leaks. The new real roof will have to wait until next year.

We coated part of the roof with pliable acrylic elastomer, and then put some rubberized material that I kept from my Carborundum days. Any body remember Carborundum? How about Norton. How about St Gobain? I will end this and start another as Ray and Luella just stopped.

I am back, and will try to catch up. Last weekend we went to Waterford, Pa to visit the closest thing to a Florida flea market, then to Erie to check out several stores, then to Fredonia Opera House to experience a program with musicians from the Fredonia area.

A couple with the last name of Gilmores was in charge of the event. It turns out they both play multiple instruments, guitar, fiddle, banjo, etc. and sing and teach at Fredonia State. It also turns out that they were at our "turkeyjam" last year. They knew about this years event but had something else they had to do.

Monday, we got serious about moving stuff into the polebarn, then had to go play the last golf of the season. I don't like golf enough to play in the rain, but my partner, Steve Johnson wanted to play, so we did. Fortunately, the rain stopped and it turned out ok. We played two man best ball, which means we both would shoot from the spot of the best shot previous. As a result we both shot 50. Anyway, we had 12th spot sewn up before the end of the season. It turns out that there were only 12 teams. Better luck next year.

Last Tuesday, we went to Dr John Bodkin III, for our annual pre Florida checkup. We both received flu shots and pneumonia shots. Apparently, we cannot have any more pneumonia shots, I do not know why. Laura already had her mammogram, and pap smear and everthing looks good. So we are nearing 70 and still in fairly good condition. So off we go to Florida to enjoy winter.

The last several days we have been preparing to go, with some work on the motorhome, moving stuff into the polebarn, roto tilling the garden areas. We still have lots to do, but we are moving forward.

Earlier today, we discussed putting one of our two furnaces in service, and decided not, we would tough it out. After it got cold and after looking at next weeks weather forecast, we changed our mind and now it is warm and toasty in the living area. So much for toughing out the cold weather. See you all next .

Friday, September 25, 2009

less than two weeks to go

Since we last talked, we have shut down Lakeside . Blew out water lines, moved bikes and stuff inside shut off power, removed perishables, pulled catwalk and boat from the water. The boat has been winterized and is safe in the polebarn. The Vikings has begun to be shutdown with the deck awning taken down and some stuff moved inside. This will be completed within the week. got to go now. am saving, so can complete later.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

three weeks to go

Three weeks from now, we will be on the road to Florida, via Norris , Tennessee. We are presently working to close down the Vikings and Lakeside. Today, Ray got back on his mower and stayed on, so my career as a professional lawn mower is ended, after 3 weeks. It is good that Ray is sufficiently healed to resume more normal life. Today, after learning I was not needed to mow, we went to the vikings and took down the awning. When we got back to Ripley, we worked on some maintenance items on the motorhome. Tomorrow, the boat comes home from the lake, the catwalk comes out, and the camper gets shut down for the winter. We have already shut down the water.

We have been so busy, it has been hard to keep up, with what we did.. Last Thursday, I had part two of my root canal, plus a filling on the other side, so for a while I had novacaine numbness on both sides of my mouth. Then Laura had a mammogram, which I hear are always lots of fun. The report on that was very good, no lumps or problems encountered.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, we took little trips to Amherst. Sunday, we went to the Viking Trailer Association meeting and then picked up Lester and Sue and went to Uncle G's in Pendleton. The Mohr kids knew this place as Cappys, when they were young. Presently they have musical entertainment and sell lots of ice cream. The NFFC group had free ice cream.

Back to the Viking Trailer Association. Who decided to use the name "Trailer"? wouldn"t "Camper or Camping" sound better?

Monday, we went to Rizzos in amherst for Laura to join the North Amherst Ladies Aux for their annual Dinner. We were supposed to spend the night at Dereks' , but he was coming down with something, possibly Swine flu, so we redirected back to Ripley. We could have stayed with several people, but chose to go back to Ripley. Tuesday, we went back to Amherst to meet Jean and Mike Caputi and Dick and Elaine Weber for Brunch. Jeannie and Elaine and Laura all drove school bus for years, and shared many memories. Oh and Laura had a pap smear. We picked up some parts for the motorhome, and met Jerry and Alison, Shawn and Cheyenne at Burger King.

Shawn is in Middle School, Cheyenne is doing well, Charlotte is really enjoying Kindergarten. They are all growing up. More later

Monday, September 7, 2009

approaching the landing, wheels down?

Today, Labor Day Monday completes most of our self inflicted projects. We went to the "Clucks and Bucks" fund raiser at the Vikings. We did not win any of many prizes, but then did win a container which had 55 of the states scratchoff lottery tickets. The cost of the tickets was $103.00, and included prizes of $1 to $2000/ week for life. So for a $100 investment, what do you suppose the return payout was? Are we anxiously awaiting the opportunity to go to the nearest lottery station and cash in? Raise your hand if you think we are getting $500 or more. Raise your hand if you think we are getting $50 or less.

After scratching off all of the appropriate areas and double checking, we had one $20 winner, one $10 winner and several $1 and $2 winners totaling $40. Wow, what a deal, spend $100 to get $40.00. Oh well, we spent $45, and each had a chicken dinner out of it, so we basically broke even.

Yesterday, we had the Pancake Breakfast at Lakeside Campground. Fed about 150 people, were blessed with good weather, and everything went well. Donations and 50/50 covered costs with some money left over.

Derek and girls came to vikings, where girls played, thenwent to Bemus to play, have ice cream and go home to fireworks in Clarence.

We went to FindleyLake to check out their Idol program, etc and came back to Bemus to Watch the Fireworks. We watched from the Stow side. The fireworks were fired from the ferry, which was about 1/3 of the way across towards Bemus. This was part of a program to "Light up the Lake" with flares and multiple fireworks locations, which included Bemus, Jamestown, Findley Lake, Westfield and Mayville. Part of the plan was to be observed by the the space station, and airplanes in the sky. We never heard how it came out.

Thursday and Friday were primarily occupied, along with Saturday , with getting ready for the Sunday Breakfast, which as mentioned , went very well. Did I mention that, I am undergoing a ROOT CANAL. We have to deal with this, along with another round of lawn mowing this week.

Next week, we have a fiddle gig in Amherst, Laura is going to Supper with the Ladies Aux, Laura has an appointment with her eye Dr, and we may or may not hve to mow again.

Other complications are at the end of the month, When Janice and Don are coming up to help Norma get back to Florida. We are trying to work out a condensed version of a family Christmas before we leave Oct 6. If possible we are going to try and include Janice and Don in this.

So all we have to do is shut down Lakeside, shut down the Vikings , check out the motorhome, shut down Ripley. Sort out what stuff has to go back to Florida, all in days that seem like 4 hours long. We are not complaining, considering all of the alternatives. It is getting to be time to start lowering the landing gear. see you soon.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

spinning, spinning, spinning!

We went to Darien Lake with Derek, Charlotte, Grace, Shawn and Cheyenne. Everybody seemed to have a good time. It was Shawn and Cheyennes first exposure to a wave pool and they loved that.

We spent the rest of that week getting the Pole Barn ready for the Sunday Party.Meanwhile, Bill and Sherry , from Chicago and Satsuma showed up. They were very helpful getting set up and during the Party.

About 60 people , mostly NFFC people came. The weather was iffy, with some light showers, forcing all the musicians inside. Two 20 lb turkeys, both turned out well. Overall, the event turned out well.

Picking up stuff and returning to rightfull places. Played golf on Monday, while Laura took Bill and Sherrry to tour Chautauqua Institution, which offically closed last Sat.

Bill snd Sherry left Tuesday morning heading for Toronto on their way back. Lester and I did the mowing thing again, did Chedwells, 4 hours plus equipment travel time. Went to Wattsburg Fair in Pa. to see the Robinson Family, a marvelous family band.

Yesterday, we mowed again, 3 hours plus travel time. Ray is healing well, so might be able do some mowing late next week.

Now we shift into our schedule, which includes a lot things we wanted to do/get done before our Oct 6 departure date for Florida. Was looking at Lizas Mohr Life blog and agreed with her picture of Charlotte and her lament "where did her little baby go?"

More later