We have have been very busy during this Holiday period.
Laura lost the battle with the Criket. After using it, she was returning it to its home on the back porch, when she tried to convince it to back up, while she was standing in front of it. This was fine, except it was still in forward gear. As a result, the Criket went forward, quite rapidly, knocked Laura down, partially ran over her, spread eagled her legs outward, farther than they wanted to go. The good part is that the porch railing, combined with a bamboo type shelf prevented the Criket from going any farther, possibly down the steps.
The result was a painful trip to the Putnam County Hospital, for x-rays, which were negative, and an examination, which showed no broken bones, just bruises. But what bruises. We were lucky, in that the emergency room was quiet, and it only took 2 hours total time.
This took place Wednesday night, and Bluegrass in Georgia was to be Thursday thru Saturday.
After some consideration, we decided to go to the Bluerass. Laura felt she could do nothing but sit anyway, and I could use the rest from working on the shed. So we hooked up the trailer and took Criket Jr with us. Thursday morning we went to Jekyll Island in Georgia. Moving around was very difficult for Laura but sitting still was ok. Laura found it to be very difficult trying to get to our seats, so we sat in the handicap section, with her on Criket Jr, and it worked fine.
Today(Tuesday morning) , it is harder for Laura to get comfortable, but overall, she is ok. She has numerous black and blue spots , incuding one huge one on the inside/backside of her left thigh. (pictures exist). So it looks like a matter of time to heal up and be ok again.
We went to Janes' for Christmas Day and had a good time.
Normas' grandaughter, Jessie was here for the Christmas period, and we took her, along with Buford and Norma to Seaworld. It was a cool day, and very busy, but we got to see all the shows and I think Jessie enjoyed it. We also took them for a boat ride, which was pleasant and saw 8-10 alligators, mostly big ones and Jessie got some good pictures.
The weather here in December has been really great. Up to now, we did not need either the furnace or the ac. This contrasts with last year, when we had 17 frosts in December. We had our first frost last night, with another one expected tonight, then warmer again.
I have been very busy with the shed, which has been slower than desired, but I am gaining. Two more roof panels, then the roofing and it will be protected. Windows on the end and a door will come eventually.
More later.
Entry 5?
6 years ago