Monday, June 29, 2020

Fwd: Laura Mohr hearing aid issue

Call the number below to see what Dr Wilcox can help with. 

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Marc Wilcox <>
Date: June 29, 2020 at 9:45:05 PM EDT
To: Dan Cassidy <>
Subject: Re:  Laura Mohr hearing aid issue


Have your folks call 6733203 and I will try and make an exception - we are technically not open - waiting for Phase 4 - whatever that is.

Just a note regarding your mother's hearing.  She has a very profound hearing loss and the hearing aids do offer some benefit but not alot.  I will see what I can do

Marc Wilcox

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 8:52 AM Marc Wilcox <> wrote:
I will look into this and get back to you. 

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 3:08 PM Dan Cassidy <> wrote:

Hello Dr Wilcox,

My mother, Laura Mohr, has some serious issues with her hearing aids -essentially rendering her deaf, and we are wondering if there's any way to get them to you despite Fredonia being shut down? 

This has been an issue for her since the winter, and they were hoping to get to you once they came back from Florida. 

I know the world is in flux and such, but am wondering if there's anything to be done prior to the college reopening?

Thanks so much for any info that you can pass along. 

I've cc'd my dad on this email.
Their Home # is +1 (386) 983-5456 or their cell is +1 (716) 955-0800.

We appreciate any help. 

Heidi Mohr
716 601-5531

Sent from my iPhone

Re: Laura Mohr hearing aid issue

I will look into this and get back to you. 

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 3:08 PM Dan Cassidy <> wrote:

Hello Dr Wilcox,

My mother, Laura Mohr, has some serious issues with her hearing aids -essentially rendering her deaf, and we are wondering if there's any way to get them to you despite Fredonia being shut down? 

This has been an issue for her since the winter, and they were hoping to get to you once they came back from Florida. 

I know the world is in flux and such, but am wondering if there's anything to be done prior to the college reopening?

Thanks so much for any info that you can pass along. 

I've cc'd my dad on this email.
Their Home # is +1 (386) 983-5456 or their cell is +1 (716) 955-0800.

We appreciate any help. 

Heidi Mohr
716 601-5531

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Laura Mohr hearing aid issue

Hello Dr Wilcox,

My mother, Laura Mohr, has some serious issues with her hearing aids -essentially rendering her deaf, and we are wondering if there's any way to get them to you despite Fredonia being shut down?

This has been an issue for her since the winter, and they were hoping to get to you once they came back from Florida.

I know the world is in flux and such, but am wondering if there's anything to be done prior to the college reopening?

Thanks so much for any info that you can pass along.

I've cc'd my dad on this email.
Their Home # is +1 (386) 983-5456 or their cell is +1 (716) 955-0800.

We appreciate any help.

Heidi Mohr
716 601-5531

Sent from my iPhone