Jerry and Shirley Burkley, from Orchard Park,(fiddle club) arrived safely Thursday evening, just in time for cold weather.
Friday, I was scheduled to see the Dr again, because of concern about infection in my incision. So we made a day of it. We all, Lester,Sue,Jerry,Shirley,Laura and I piled in the car to go St Augustine. We did yard sales, Grampas(music store), KFC, Bealls, and other stuff. The Dr looked at my incision, said was 100% better and all was well.
Saturday, was the long awaited Home Show at Flagler. This is a great home show with lots of give-a-ways. An ideal location for seniors to grab everything in sight, take it home, sort it out, and then throw half of it away. Sat night we went to a "jam" session At Lori and George's house in Georgetown. It was interesting , but cold.
Sunday was a casual day, with nothing on the schedule due to the cold weather. We did watch the Superbowl, while playing games.
Monday was a "Big " day. Laura resumed the water aoerbics, while I watched, and then to the Dr. He looked at my knee, and said I could wean myself from the crutches. He also said I could go back in the pool, and come back in two weeks. So as of Monday afternoon I have been walking without crutches. It is great although it is sometimes awkward. Each day gets a little better. Already, I can stand still on it without the pain I used to encounter after a few minutes. we are looking forward to a more active(physically) lifestyle in the near future.
Tuesday was a busy day, thanks to Dennys' promotion of a free "Grand Slam" for everyone in America. We decided to go to Port Orange and hook up with Wally and Joan Tanner, neighbors from Amherst, who live in Port Orange during the winter months. As expected, Dennys was crowded and we would have a long wait, however, they were giving out rain checks, good during the next two weeks. So went to Flapjacks in Port Orange, and then to their house ,where Joanie cut hairs off Laura, Sue and myself, Lester sorted out their TV system and everybody was happy. Stops at Aldies, Angelas, Harbor Freight and others were made prior to Supper at Alfies. On the way home, we stopped at Normas' to show off her new house to Jerry and Shirley.
Wednesday was quiet, but I did get back in the pool for aoerbics. It was great. Virgil visited for some music assistance, followed by a small group at Lous' at night.
Today being Thursday means we will go to the Senior Center for some "Pickin n grinning',, where a group of aspiring amateur musicians just play for fun. Depending upon the participants , some of it is quite good, some not so good, but it is fun for everyone.
While Jerry and Shirley are here, there has been some music, somewhat curtailed by the cold weather, Normally we sit outside and play, but not when it is this cold. Jerry brought his Banjo, guitar and auto harp. We are not used to seeing him with the harp, but he does a great job with it. Jerry fits in very well with the other musicians here in Putnam County Florida
The weather is supposed to improve stating tomorrow. Then boat rides will resume, and next week is the Big Palatka Bluegrass festival.
Entry 5?
6 years ago
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