Thursday, April 16, 2009

catching up again

Lester and Sue left for home this morning. Took their motorhome and car and left. That means we are all alone for the next two weeks.

We have a lot to do, because we have to pull the boat and prepare it for summer storage, including covering it. We have to load the motorhome and the trailer, and prepare the car for summer storage. We have to store things and give the lawn a last mowing, raking, with the lawn tractor. We have to go through all our stuff and decide what stays and what goes North.

It would be a lot easier to just stay here, but then we would miss seeing everybody at the reunion, which is to be June 21, at the Vikings. I have been told that Heidi/Dan/Kat may be coming. Also, Mike/Leslie/Zach, and Mel and Greg. with Scott and Chris. We have 2 Park model campers at the lake to use, plus our motorhome and Les and Sue have agreed to make their motorhome available.

Now, while we are doing all of the above to get ready, we have 2 Dr appointments to keep, one for the knee, the other with my favorite urologist. no problems , just checkups before we leave.

We also have to go to Cecil Field in Jacksonville, either Sat or Sun for a big airshow that is featuring about 15 different stunt pilots and stunt teams. I did not know there were that many, but we have information on all of them. We also have to go to Seaworld on Monday. Norma may be going with us,

Did I mention that last Monday, we (Sue, Lester,Laura and I) went to Busch Gardens in Tampa? A short one day hop.

Lester and Sues' oldest son, Tim arrived here on the 4th. He brought his Daughter, Lavanni, his friend Doris, and her son, Cody. They enjoyed a cool week, by going to the beach, to the flea market at Webster, to Seaworld, and other places such as St Augustine. They left Saturday, morning towing their boat back North. They followed us to the Ramona Flea market in Jacksonville and continued on home from there. We went on to the Johnson flea market, and then to the new Riverside Art Festival under the Fuller Warren Bridge. This was quite interesting and enjoyable, with music and entertainment.

Wed, we all went to the Deland Flea Market, and then we went on to Wally and Joanies place in Port Orange, where Laura and I had our hair cut.

Thursday, we went to the Clay County Fair for Senior(free) Day. Then Friday, it was off to St Augustine to tour, but Easter traffic was very bad. Saturday was the above referenced trip to Ramona Flea Market.

Easter Sunday was off to Normas' house, for a very nice get together of the Florida Family. Four of the original Six Mohrs were there. Jane, Ronald, Norma and Janice. Also, Don, Laura, Sue and Lester. Mike and Leslie and Zach, Annette and Melissa and Debby, Kayla, Jenna, Hanna and Remy. Normas' friend Patti, and Ann and Frank from Jamestown. A friend of Annettes family, Mr Murray was also there.

Just as an aside, one of the stunt pilots to perform this weekend is named John Mohr.

As mentioned, we went to Busch Gardens on this last Monday, took Tuesday and Wednesday off from traveling and today was our last Senior Center Jam session. Despite only a few participants, it worked out fairly well.

If all of this is confusing to you, it is also confusing to us. Sometimes we do not know if we are coming or going. But we are definitely enjoying ourselves. We do monitor Normas' World and Mohr Life, along with KatNaps. It is great to see pictures of the kids. The latest one of Charlotte asleep on her ball is fantastic.

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