Saturday, May 9, 2009

When do we get to rest?

Monday started out with the aerobics at Northeast, some lawn mowing, some bike riding and then golf. With a few bloopers here and there, I shot a 58 on a par 35 course. Then Laura had supper for Ray and Luella, Lester and Sue and me at the vikings.

Tuesday, we did some work at the vikings. cleaning up branches, cutting down skunk cabbage, etc. we are working at increasing the usable area of our site.

Wed, we are tired of working, so off to Erie with Lester and Sue, visiting Ollies, Walmart and the Erie casino.

Thursday was a big day for Sue, as she checked in to Mercy Hospsital`for surgery to repair a duosomething hernia. While they made the trip to Lackawanna, we made the rounds of our satellite locations, the Vikings and Lakeside. we resupplied the locations with supplies that had been removed fo safe keeping during the winter months. we did some shopping in Jamestown.

Friday was a trip to Mercy Hospital to visit Sue, who was doing fairly well, along with some dumpster diving for Laura. Not much luck in the dumpster department.

Today was a quick mowing day, worked on the other lawn tractor, worked on settting up the new building which is certainly a joy to have.

Tomorrrow is Mothers Day. Happy Mothers day to everybody.

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