Sunday, July 19, 2009

what happened to summer?

Today is the 19th of July, yesterday was the 4th of July. Where is the summer weather?

This week we got the boat all together, both motors running well, some cleanup, etc, and Friday, it went to the lake and is now resting on the lift. If ever we get some nice boating wether, we will go to the lake and enjoy it. When we put it in, it was cold, windy, choppy and rain threatening, but it went in anyway.

Wednesday, we went to Magnolia Springs area on Chautauqua Lake to visit with Donna and Sandy. Sandy and Tony Triscari had rented a cottage on the Lake and Donna was passing through on her way to the East Coast to visit her sons and families. She is retiring and plans to leave Minnesota for the East Coast. Doug is in Georgia working with the University of Georgia.

Tony and Sandy are doing well, with growing families. We missed Gloria, who had been there the night before.

We are struggling to catch up with sifting through all of the stuff we brought from Amherst, with some stuff finding a home in the new building, some stuff going to the curb as "free", and some stuff being placed in another pile for further evaluation. Very shortly, I will be assembling all of the musical instruments together, and I will be able to tell how many banjoes, fiddles, guitars, fiddles and other misc. I have. Then maybe, I can begin to eliminate some of them.

Last Sunday, Derek and Charlotte, and Grace and Eli came to visit at the Vikings, and they are expected again today, so have to go.

Speaking of the Vikings, they had their second annual pig roast for the Trailer Association last night. We missed the first one last year because we were in Seattle. The event was well attended, and was complete with a live band. The band was good, but definitely too loud.

enough for now, more later.

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