Monday, February 22, 2010

Try and keep up if you can

This gets complicated, but stay with me on this.

Since Dr Dew gave us a week to determine what is happening, we were able to go to the 6th annual Bluegrass Festival at Rodeheavers Boys Camp south of Palatka. Monday was trade your ticket for a wrist band day(and acquire chair number ticket), Tuesday was place your chair day. After placing our chairs, I DROVE HOME TO SATSUMA, first time since Dec 14.

no problem, just different. I had to drive the car first because I was going to drive the motorhome to the festival, which I did. No problem driving, but getting in and out with crutches, was no fun.

Wednesday, Laura had to scramble to get all the stuff into the motorhome, that she wanted us to have. The motorhome was a mess because of unfinished projects that I had started but not completed for some reason.

Thursday morning all the rigs went over and parked in the campground. We parked the three units in a "U" configuration which gave us a nice large common area for all of us to use.
While at the festival, I sat in a wheelchair in the handicap area, with my back to the sun, so even though it was cool, I was warm. I did have some difficulty getting in and out of the motorhome with crutches, but I managed.

At these festivals which are attended by a lot of older people with their camping vehicles, a lot of them also have specialized electric vehicles to help them move around the grounds. Laura saw a small 2 seater running around and chased it down and liked it. It seems there was one running around that was for sale. She chased it down and bought it.

Our electrical transportation is called a Criket, and it is a 2 seater, two years old, side bars, back rack, 4 large wheels,10-15 mph top speed, 8-10 hour battery life, up to 30 mile range. This allows one to get outside and travel in relative comfort. It collapses enough to fit inside a caravan. We will work out the details of transporting it ,but it will allow us to go to flea markets, and amusement parks and other outdoors events.

Now for today: We went to Dr Dews office, without the results we had expected last week. So we agreed to open up the knee and take out the partial hardware. they will put in a plastic spacer, which will assist in elieminating the infection. Eventually a full knee replacement will be put in. Overall this will take several months. We are moving as fast as possible, with the first surgery to be this Thursday evening if neccessary medical clearances can be obtained in time.

We did blood work today, pre-opt is scheduled for Wed afternoon. The schedule will be worked out as we move forward.

Throughout this whole ordeal, Laura has been there for me. She has done everything I asked, and didn't ask. She has had to everything we need to be done, as I cannot do virtually any thing physical. Her fingers are splitting and very sore and yet she pushes on. She says I would do the same for her and whereas this is true, she has never shown any signs of irritation or reluctance. When this is over, she truly deserves a cruise or something. We just had a little crying session where she just reconfrmed that I am not alone in this. We have had several crying sessions already and probably will have more.

Please join in with us to help provide the strength for us to get through this. More later when known.

Monday, February 15, 2010

we go forward

Last week was a round of medical experiences.Dr Dew on Monday, did not want to give cortisone shot , but did assign us to take a bone scan test to learn what is really really in there.

He advised us that the bone scan would identify what is in the joint . Best case we corrtisone and move on. Worst case would mean removing the hardware, with a week in the hospital, inserting a block spacer into the joint, for a week, and then replacing the partial joint with a complete joint. Time frame 6-8 weeks. We started the p/t work with an evaluation and learning the the desired exercises.

On the 11th we did the bone scan. Had to be at the hospital at 7:30, where they drew blood, which they sent out for white cell separation, re-insertion into my body and and taking pictures of where the white cells went into battle. This process took most of the day, until about 3:30..

On the 12th we had double duty, with Dr Romero first. This was an ofice visit, where the
cumiden level was checked and found to be high. advised not to take for the weekend and start agauin Monday. OK Cholesterol level was checked and found to be ok

Then went to Dr Limares office but, after waiting an hour , he was gone to the hospital, so we rescheduled.

Late afternoon on Friday afternoon, we got a phone call from Dr Dew, who told us "that the bone scan did not look good', so of course we are now sort of programmed and got our tears out of the way.

Over the weekend, we took Wally and Joanie Tanner to Dennys for a free breakfast and then to their house for haircuts. Watched the Daytona 500, as best we could.

Today, the 15th, we picked up Dr Dews x-rays from the hospital and the bone scans from the hospital and delivered them to Dr Dews office,and picked up a script for more blood tests.

At 4:15 we went to see Dr Dew, along with Norma. He checked the bone scan disc and asked some questions about pain loacation and level.

He decided that the knee was suffering more from inflammation than infection and that he would give it a shot of cortisone, restart the p/t work and wait a week to see what happens. Today happened to be the first day that I can walk some without crutches.

For the moment we are going the cortisone route, but he emphasazied that we are not out of the woods yet. Any sign that infection shows up it is off to surgery we go. So we have a fighting chance of licking this thing without surgery.. Surgery means taking out the the partial, supporting with a block and then replacing with full replacement knee. We shall see happens, but at least we know what is going on.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I apologize for falling so far behind. hopefully, I wll catch us all up to speed. It has been about three weeks, and many things have happened, yet things
seem the same.

Presently, I sleep fitfully in our bed and wake up to find the left leg is mostly normal size, but still has an ache sufficiently strong enough to keep me from putting my full weight on it, thus I still need to use the crutches. Normally as the day progresses, the swelling returns, and the leg is quite large when we go to bed. Some days like today, I lay on the bed with my legs elevated for several hours, but it really does not seem to change anything. It is sort of like the movie Ground Hog, where Bill Murray wakes up and every day is the same.

At our last visit with Dr Dew on Jan 25, I was hoping for a cortisone shot and moving on. But he is monitoring what is going on and said certain chemicals in the blood needed to be trending downward, and then cortisone. So we do a blood test later this week and then see him on Monday, Feb 8th. Hopefully that is the magic day.

Part of my delay in updating was due to AT &T. They took our phone service out for some reason, and took 2 days to reinstate it. It then took two days and one inside technician and one outside technician to restore the DSL service.

On thursday the 28th of Jan. I had a chemical stress test, which I passed. I presently have no problem breathing, which is good. I am presently taking coudimen(?) for blood thinning and am running 2.6, (should be 2.5-3.5). Am also taking several other drugs to regulate and help the heart. As part of the stress test, I was also given an echo ultra sound test of the heart and also the carotid arteries. Everything was fine there. After discussing the tests, the Dr said to come back and see him in 6 months, which we changed to 8, after we return in Oct. So I must not be in too bad shape heart wise.

Jerry and Shirley Burkley, from West Seneca arrived from W. Seneca on Thursday. They are staying for 7 weeks in their camper which they brought down in October. They are interested in Don and loretta Jones trailer which is across the road here on Shady Lane.

Even in my crippled state, we have been somewhat active.We have gone to different flea markets ,where I get to ride in a wheel chair, which reminds me we bought a different one, which is bigger and higher. We have been to Deland and St Johns, and tomorrow I believe we are going to Deland again.

Last Sunday, we went to the Flagler Home Show, and then to Ruby Tuesdays, and then to Normas for Pie and coffee. We were joined by Janice and Melissa and Remy. Mel and Greg were there along with Lester and Sue, Jerry and Shirley, and Norma, along with Laura and I. It was a pleasant afternoon for all.

This week starts Speedweek in Daytona, and I normally go to the Bud Shootout on Saturday. It is a non points special race, but most of the drivers are participating, and it is sort of a preview of the big race which is on the 14th. another race on Saturday, which is part of the shootout is the ARCA race, where Danica Patrick is going to run her first stock car race. I would love to go and Jerry would go with me, but it is too hard to get around with just crutches. The wheelchair areas are too low, making it hard to watch. So it will be TV for me.

Hope this answers some of your questions about how we are doing. The weather this winter has been relatively poor(for this area), so we would not have done much boating or other outside activities anyway. It is hard to believe the boat has not moved since about the middle of December.