Monday, February 15, 2010

we go forward

Last week was a round of medical experiences.Dr Dew on Monday, did not want to give cortisone shot , but did assign us to take a bone scan test to learn what is really really in there.

He advised us that the bone scan would identify what is in the joint . Best case we corrtisone and move on. Worst case would mean removing the hardware, with a week in the hospital, inserting a block spacer into the joint, for a week, and then replacing the partial joint with a complete joint. Time frame 6-8 weeks. We started the p/t work with an evaluation and learning the the desired exercises.

On the 11th we did the bone scan. Had to be at the hospital at 7:30, where they drew blood, which they sent out for white cell separation, re-insertion into my body and and taking pictures of where the white cells went into battle. This process took most of the day, until about 3:30..

On the 12th we had double duty, with Dr Romero first. This was an ofice visit, where the
cumiden level was checked and found to be high. advised not to take for the weekend and start agauin Monday. OK Cholesterol level was checked and found to be ok

Then went to Dr Limares office but, after waiting an hour , he was gone to the hospital, so we rescheduled.

Late afternoon on Friday afternoon, we got a phone call from Dr Dew, who told us "that the bone scan did not look good', so of course we are now sort of programmed and got our tears out of the way.

Over the weekend, we took Wally and Joanie Tanner to Dennys for a free breakfast and then to their house for haircuts. Watched the Daytona 500, as best we could.

Today, the 15th, we picked up Dr Dews x-rays from the hospital and the bone scans from the hospital and delivered them to Dr Dews office,and picked up a script for more blood tests.

At 4:15 we went to see Dr Dew, along with Norma. He checked the bone scan disc and asked some questions about pain loacation and level.

He decided that the knee was suffering more from inflammation than infection and that he would give it a shot of cortisone, restart the p/t work and wait a week to see what happens. Today happened to be the first day that I can walk some without crutches.

For the moment we are going the cortisone route, but he emphasazied that we are not out of the woods yet. Any sign that infection shows up it is off to surgery we go. So we have a fighting chance of licking this thing without surgery.. Surgery means taking out the the partial, supporting with a block and then replacing with full replacement knee. We shall see happens, but at least we know what is going on.

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