Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In early April, we made preparations for Heidi and Kat to visit. On Thursday the 8th, we picked them up at the Jacksonville Airport, then stopped at the Clay county Fair on the way back. The weather was beautiful, in the mid 80s. LLes and Sue brought the Kricket, so I could get around. Friday, we went to St Augustine Beach, downtown St Augustine and the water park at the beach. Saturday, we went to Blairs' soccer game and Sunday, to a party at Norma's house, where Kat Met everybody.

Monday morning, we got two different phone calls, telling us my blood was overloaded with the latest antibiotic, and to stop doing the IV. We did stop, and Sunday nite the 11th, was our last anti biotic IV. We then went to Seaworld and our condo. Les and Sue, and Tim and Doris and Cody and Lavani were already there. They had gone to the Webster Flea Market. Sea world had no problem with KRIKET, once they figured out how to get it in.

Tuesday, we went to Disney, where they did have a problem with Kriket being too big. They offered us use of one of their electric carts free of charge(normally $70), which was certainly ok with us.

Wed, we went to Busch Gardens, which Heidi and Kat enjoyed the most. Thursday, we went back to Seaworld to finish up. Then it was time to deliver Heidi and Kat to the airport forthe long ride home. By this time Kat was really tired, so was Heidi, so was Mom and Dad.We arrived home in Satsuma about 9:00 pm.

Friday, we mailed our income tax forms. Since we have money coming back from both, there is no problem. The home service people came for the last time, took final bloood samples, and removed the Picc system, that had been in place since early March, right after the removal of the contaminated artificial knee.

Saturday, we went to see the dermatogoloist(sp), who was of little help, since he only works on the outside of the skin and he considers this to be working from the inside out.

We went to Rodeheaver to see Little Roy Lewis and Lizzy. Went back again on Sunday, since it was free.

Monday, we went to see Dr Dew, who took x-raysand said I could put full weight on the knee and can walk on it, but to watch for swelling and other problems. We go back to him in three weeks. The knee is ready, but we have to get the rest of me healthy enough to withstand the surgery. On Friday, we go to St Augustine to see our new Gp and the infectious disease Dr, to see what they have to say.We may be able to come North for a month or so, then come back
South to complete the surgery. So at the present time, we do not know what our schedule is going to be.

Will let you know, once we have an idea what is happening.