Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good News

As you may recall, we have been undergoing a series of questions concerning blood/ or sugar in my urine. The urologist always finds "blood" in my urine and upon further tests determines everything is OK. This time he found "sugar" in the urine and he said it was wildly out of control. This , despite not having any of the normal symptoms of diabetes. So we did a blood test, and came back to the Dr yesterday.

He said everything was fine with the "sugar" and proceeded to check my kidneys with ultra sound and my urethra and bladder with a "cytoscopy procedure."(look it up). anyway, he wound up by saying "come back in 6 months, you are fine". So off we went to The Outback in Ormond Beach(buy one, get one free, and their Ribs are great as is everyhing else) to join Janice and Don and Norma to celebrate birthdays (again).

So it looks like I am OK and ready to go another 70 years.

Anyway it appears the the sugar scare was from a bad sample(maple sugar cream on toast, shortly before sample time). Oh, and the cytoscopy is simply inserting a tube with a camera into the penis, and looking around on a screen. In this case there was a very small "stone" imbedded in the prostate, which the Dr could not remove, but did break it up some, and it should be flushed out in time. The Dr noted that the prostate is slightly enlarged, but not a problem. A psa test done earlier this fall actually showed lower numbers than before.

one last comment. Although the cytoscopy procedure is not actually painful, it is certainly uncomfortable. Today, there is still blood in the urine but it is ok and going away.

Liza and the 3 kids are in Naples for a short break with her Mom and this explains the lack of any new postings on her blog. She will catch up very shortly.

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