Thursday, December 31, 2009


Today, Dec 21 is my 70th birthday. We were supposed to go To Disney for the day. Here is what actually happened. After believing there was some relief in the knee, we went to Dr Dews office for an appointment previously scheduled. They took new x-rays of the knee implant, which were fine. They drained 75-100 ccs of fluid from the knee. The fluid was yellowish, but basically normal looking. Samples were sent to the hospital lab, and if some kind of crystal was found, it mean't infection and into the hospital I go. From there we went to the St Johns Imaging Lab for an ultra sound on the knee/leg looking for a blood clot. everything fine there.

We were then sent to the little medical lab, in front of the Drs office for some
routine testing, in case the above referenced crystals showed up. They do an EKG, other tests and then tell me, I have an arrtthymic(?) irregular heart beat, and am doing 155 beats/min. Since I do not have a regular physcian, they are looking for someone at the hospital who can take me on so as to admit me. Dr Miguel Limeres is found and agrees to take me on. About 4:30PM we are going over to the HOSPITAL.

In the Hospital, they change my clothes, hook me up to all the monitors, hook up an iv, etc, and leave me alone for the night, fortunately they have pain pills but I have to ask for them, and wait to get them. Laura gets to go home and take care of the cat, plus deal with the many phone calls. Somthing tells me this is not a good situation to be in. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Me.

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